domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2019


Resultado de imagen para Ingles

This subject is a second language that helps us for our development. At this time it is very important because it helps us in our work barrier, it helps us to open doors in other countries.

  • Activities
  •  A boll about me

This ball is for explain what i like, what are my favorite things, for example my favorite sport, my favorite color and my favorite food, how i am and what is my age.

  • Alphabet

The alphabet is to learn the difference between pronunciation and writing, helping us to spell.

  • Song (listening)

This is a song, it is another way to learn English because it lets us listen to the song and we have to put the missing word and that helps us with listening

  • World map

The teacher teaches us how to say the countries in English and one activity was to write twenty countries on the map, to know if we correctly write the names of each country.

  • Family tree

The family tree help us know how to say that they are my people, for example, my mother, my father, my brothers, among other relatives.

  • Clothing dictionary

The dictionary of clothes is to learn how each garment is said, it helps us to know how it is pronounced and how it is written, in the same way it helped us to review the colors.

  • Weather dictionary

The weather dictionary helped me learn more vocabulary about the weather, to know the different words we can use to describe the four seasons of the year.

  • Formulary

This formulary help me for know how is the structure the sentence is in the corresponding time, whether for negative, affirmative or question.

  • Sketch
This sketch is from my house, shows how the furniture is arranged, this is so that at the time of doing so we study the vocabulary of the furniture

  • Furniture vocabulary
With this vocabulary we learn more furniture, and it helps us to have a wider vocabulary than we already know. 
  • Profession
The vocabulary of the professions help us to have the vocabulary about all the professions exercised by people around the world

  • My profession

Hi my name is Brenda, my profession is Baker, I prepare the bread, I can work in a bakeries or in an independent bakery, the work is very tired but I like it.

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